If your lead magnet isn’t landing… your posts or free trainings aren’t getting the response…
Consider if perhaps, today is the day, to go hang with your market.
Last year I learnt a valuable lesson. I had 34 people register for a free training in just a few days – without any paid advertising, having an email list or going into any Facebook groups.
I was in a WhatsApp group where someone asked what software they use as a coach.
I commented that I loved Dubsado* for many reasons, including its ability to:
- Invoice
- Send & sign contracts
- Clients have their own portal
- Create custom forms, which I used to create beautiful Client Session notes that in a single click, get added to their client portal AND they can also reflect on!
But this isn’t a post about the software.
It’s a lesson in how I work best: I respond to a need.
If we dive a little deeper – it’s actually part of my Human Design. There are “initiators” (Manifestors). Then there are the “responders” (Manifesting Generators & Generators).

How did my Generator Response play out, in this scenario?
1. I responded to a need in the form of a question.
2. People wanted to know more.
3. I offered to do a short Zoom training where I showed them how I used it.
4. People from all across Aus arrived punctually – and were engaged with questions!
How quickly things can move and come together when we’re working with how we work best.
If you find yourself stuck for what to offer your people – consider if today is the day, to go hang with your market.
Listen to the questions they ask.
Offer help.
And if they want more…
Only then – create that more.
* I’m a mad fan of Dubsado so know this is a “love” (aka affiliate) link!
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